The opportunities for growth and healing

May 21, 2024
5 min read

For many of those children who have lost a father in war, every day is a struggle with loss and uncertainty. However, thanks to their participation in the U4U Kids program, they have the opportunity to feel part of a new family where their feelings, desires, and dreams matter. We extend immense gratitude to those families who have already welcomed children from Ukraine into their homes for 21 days... and thank those who have expressed a willingness to host children this season. Their smiles are your achievement!These 21 days become a healing time when children can restore faith in the world, feeling warmth and enriching their lives with new experiences and perspectives.The stories of these children testify that a big heart can overcome any boundaries and obstacles. And even in tough times when war takes away loved ones, there are people willing to offer their support, warmth, and love. This is the true essence of humanism and compassion, which transform trials into opportunities for growth and healing.